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  • Keeping it cool: Malaysia looks to district energy systems.

    A collaborative effort among the United Nations' District Energy in Cities Initiative, the Malaysian government, and private partners has facilitated planning in Malaysia's rapidly developing southern state of Johor for a "District Energy System": a single heating and cooling network which decreases energy consumption by converting waste heat from large power stations. Because of this intervention, Iskandar is projected to decrease its energy use by almost 40% -- all while saving money on energy costs, recycling heat energy, and contributing to the nation's goals under the international Paris Accord.

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  • How A Man With No Coding Experience Built An App That's Bringing Solar Power To Yemen

    The civil war in Yemen caused the electrical grid to fail and left many in the country without reliable access to electricity. As Yemenis tried to implement solar power, many were finding the process difficult with nowhere to turn for answers. Anwar Al-Haddad couldn't find a solution for this growing problem, so he invented an app, despite a lack of coding knowledge, by using another app that had been invented in the Silicon Valley.

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  • Can plastic roads help save the planet?

    Even with such increasingly popular trends as reusable grocery bags and biodegradable food containers, 70% of plastic products end up in landfills; but with the help of a local start-up, MacRebur, several townships in Scotland are cutting back on this quantity while simultaneously servicing and improving the quality of their transportation networks.

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  • Chicago Sees Big Shift in Grocery Shopping Habit

    What happens when you get charged for something? People will be less likely to do it, that’s the theory behind taxing plastic bags, a move that is seeing big results in cities like Chicago.

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  • The world's greenest island

    Samsø, a small island in Denmark, has done what no other city has reached; energy independence. People on the island use a combination of wind, solar, and biomass, energy. How is such a large feat accomplished? Local leaders say it wasn’t because of technological breakthrough, but through collective action.

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  • The Good Shepherds

    To help create change in her community and spur action to fighting against climate change, one woman turned to religion. Nana Firman, who is Muslim, found that when locals in an Indonesia region wouldn't take part in sustainable recovery efforts after being hit by a tsunami, her greatest resource became the Quran, which she utilized in her attempt to communicate the importance of environmental change. This strategy of using religion to promote environmentally sound choices has been successful internationally now and continues to grow.

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  • How carbon capture could become a rare bright spot on climate policy in the Trump era

    Acknowledging that most coal plants world wide are likely to continue to operate for decades as the world's demand for energy only increases, solutions to climate change become ever more pressing. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the few approaches that can receive bipartisan support in shaping energy policy and - despite a few early experimental failures - the method making a comeback as a viable way to combat the release of C02 into the atmosphere. The Petra Nova plant in Texas may serve as a model for moving CCS forward.

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  • Guess Who's For a Carbon Tax Now

    In the face of the global climate crisis, conservative politicians and energy leaders in the US are an unlikely source for climate action. Through the promotion of a carbon tax, in which each ton of emissions gets taxed, these leaders are jumpstarting new forms of climate response. While some are hesitant towards both their support and the logistics of the tax, it may appear the best hope for climate action in the current political climate.

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  • Kenya learns to cook with solar power – even when the sun doesn't shine

    Farmers with a Vision is a community group helping install solar-powered stoves as a cleaner form of energy. The upsides include saving time, saving forests, and decreasing injuries. The biggest challenge is money, so Farmers with a Vision is connecting community members with microlenders. The increased use of solar cookstoves is an opportunity to improve health and the environment.

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  • Rwanda's 'solar smart kiosk' provides digital solutions to rural mobile phone users

    Although an estimated 75% of the world's population uses cell phones, in places like rural Rwanda, the availability and costs of electricity to charge them can be patchwork at best. ARED's 'solar smart kiosk' provides a stand-alone cart that runs on renewable energy and serves not just as a charging station, but a digital and internet center for users at the base of the pyramid. The company also ensures training and monitoring support to keep kiosk operators current on the technology.

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