Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Jordan's Water Wise Women

    The country of Jordan has one of the scarcest water supplies of any country on earth - one that can barely sustain its population, especially with Syrian refugees pouring in and further straining limited resources. Poor piping infrastructure and leaks greatly contribute to the shortage. An organization called Water Wise Women is training women in plumbing skills, empowering them to repair leakages in their homes and communities to help save precious water.

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  • Turning Goats into Water

    Fariel Salahuddin was determined to tackle the extreme lack of access to fresh water she encountered in rural Pakistani communities, but she wanted the model to be sustainable, not dependent on donations. Most of the communities didn't have regular access to rupees to help sustain their solar water pump micro-enterprises - what they did have, however, were goats. Salahuddin set up a scheme where villagers could pay for their clean water access with livestock instead of cash, which she then sells using Facebook at high rates during Muslim festivals to generate a sustainable revenue source.

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  • Nearby Hudson may have found internet desert solution

    Hudson was an internet desert, with slow and unreliable internet services and companies refusing to provide better internet since it wouldn't be very profitable. Thus, the city created its own internet company-Velocity Broadband, which already has more business customers than expected, has been receiving positive feedback- including residents wanting to access the service, and has sparked businesses to move to the area.

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  • Printing A Solution to the World's Biggest Problems

    A research fellow at Deakin University’s School of Engineering in Australia has developed a world-first technology 3D printer prototype capable of printing plumbing and sanitation supplies using discarded plastics - and what's more, it runs on solar power. They are partnering with NGO Plan International to implement this technology in the Solomon Islands, where locals will learn to print the parts they need, thereby solving the dual problems of plastic rubbish and a lack of access to vital mechanical parts for clean water supply. The model gives these communities tools to solve their own problems.

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  • How a Cooperative in Indonesia is Bridging the Digital Divide

    Indonesia has a quickly growing digital market, yet there is a large proportion of the population that does not have digital access and those who do have access are all buying from businesses outside the country. Koperasi Digital Indonesia Mandiri is an Indonesian cooperative that has developed lower cost smartphones to help reach the underserved population.

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  • How Rang De is using crowdsourcing to make micro loans cheaper

    A husband and wife team in Bangalore (Bengaluru) have created a peer-to-peer, online micro-loan platform to help make poverty history by addressing credit needs of underserved communities. Lenders on the platform can choose the individuals and projects they loan to, and interest rates are kept low so as to be accessible for the recipients. The platform, Rang De, has seen great success and boasts a 93% repayment rate.

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  • Israel's surprising way of teaching skills for innovation

    Israeli children are behind when it comes to math and science standardized testing, yet Israel has a large number of startups. This is most likely due to the Israeli culture encouraging innovative thinking, including extracurriculars that directly require creative thinking and problem solving.

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  • A private sector 'productivity tool' to eliminate poverty is catching on around the world

    Fundación Paraguaya is helping drastically redefine the way that poverty is identified, defined, and addressed. Through a simple, interactive, mobile-based survey called "Poverty Spotlight", workers can self-assess their level of poverty. They are then paired with microfinance agents to develop a plan to tackle their own unique challenges, with assistance in the form of training, technology, or small loans.

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  • How Activists Are Diversifying Wikipedia One Edit At A Time

    Wikipedia's editorial makeup lacks diversity—a phenomenon that could be detected by the majority “straight white male” makeup of the editing team, and inferred by the lack of information on 'feminine' topics. But thanks to the work of ‘Art + Feminism’, a DIY campaign seeking to diversify and correct Wikipedia’s coverage, people of all genders and races congregate at 'edit-a-thons, which aim for a diverse group to come together in all corners of the world to edit entries.

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  • Terms of Service: Rethink Kitchen

    One restaurant's profit-sharing business model has removed tips entirely from their establishment, replacing it with benefits and business training. Giving employees a stake in the success of the restaurant has reduced staff turnover, created a better working environment, increased morale, and made employees more financially and emotionally invested in the success of the business. Employees are paid a baseline hourly rate in addition to splitting quarterly profits.

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