Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Boys Wonder: Montpelier High School Students Dig Into What It Means to Be a Man

    At Montpelier High School in Vermont, students can sign up for Healthy Masculinity, a course focused on exploring traditional ideas and pressures around masculinity and providing a space for boys to be open and vulnerable with their emotions. Enrolled students say the class has shifted their mindset and helped them learn to speak up about harmful stereotypes in their everyday lives.

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  • Giving Women Power: Elevating Self-Esteem to Advance Gender Equality

    The Youngstars Foundation shares booklets with young girls of stories about women who have succeeded in their careers to inspire them to find a new sense of confidence and establish their own ambitious career goals. Between 2017 and 2019, 5,000 booklets were distributed to 4,500 young girls across 36 states. The Foundation also has an online module for the program, which over 18,000 young women and girls have signed up for.

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  • Man Up, Balkans

    The Be a Man initiative facilitates clubs where youth learn to reexamine gender norms, talk about how to prevent violence, address harmful stereotypes, and promote healthy relationships. More than 2,000 young people have participated in Be a Man activities since the program began, and surveys show participants demonstrated greater self-esteem, improved communication and critical thinking, and stronger empathy.

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  • TatoHub: Community spaces across Ukraine help families cope with the psychological challenges of war

    Rubryka tells the story of a fishing club that turned into a non-governmental organization that helped Ukrainians evacuate from the Donetsk region, collects humanitarian aid, and now provides psychological and other support to displaced people in various communities of Ukraine.

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  • Au Bangladesh, l'éducation des filles passe par la lutte contre le mariage précoce

    Pour encourager les filles à rester à l’école, le programme « The right to be a girl » enseigne aux filles les dangers des mariage de mineures et leurs droits légaux. Les participants reçoivent également de la formation et des fournitures pour offrir des services tels que la couture et les soins de beauté, ce qui aide à compenser les coûts de scolarité qui peuvent peser sur les familles. Le programme a bénéficié à près de 3 000 filles, dont aucune n’a été mariée avant l’âge légal.

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  • Pese a lo que muestran las cifras, otras formas de paternar son posibles en Ecuador

    Aunque la cifra es ínfima en comparación a las horas que las mujeres dedican a labores de trabajo no remunerado, iniciativas como Papás que cuidan, el Club de hombres por el buen trato y Tribu Papás, ayudan a algunos a ser más conscientes de su rol y a paternar desde la sensibilidad. Hasta 2021, los programas han realizado unos cientos de talleres y han beneficiado a millones de personas.

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  • Standing up in the wage gap!

    The Power on Heels Fund provides annual training for Latinas and women of color to raise awareness about the gender pay gap and teach them to advocate for themselves when it comes to pay. The organization also provides scholarships to students and professionals, which helped one previous recipient obtain a needed certification to open her own business.

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  • How women-friendly design could make Philly a more livable city for all

    As the result of a photography exhibit that highlighted the gender inequality built into public transportation, Vienna directed resources to make urban planning more equitable. The city now prioritizes more streetlights to address public safety concerns, wider sidewalks to accommodate strollers, more benches, apartment buildings with stroller storage spaces, and more. The efforts have resulted in more accessible infrastructure, increasing not just the quality of life for women, but for all residents of the city.

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  • Home was a nightmare, then home was prison. Finally home is now a refuge.

    Home Free is a small, transitional-housing program for women who served long prison sentences for crimes against or on behalf of their abusers. A population long neglected, the women are part of a community recovering from the trauma of prison and the trauma that put them there. Giving them autonomy, in ways typical re-entry programs do not, is key to their recovery. “Home Free is the culmination of a decades-long struggle by women to be seen and supported by a system that has condemned and ignored them.”

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  • Hello? This Is Colombia's Antimachismo Hotline.

    Bogotá’s city government started the Calm Line to give men a way to connect by telephone with psychologists trained in therapeutic responses to the machismo that leads to gender-based violence. Despite doubts that Colombian men would use the service, the line fields about a dozen calls a day. "Fear, shame and confusion pervade many of the conversations," but also can lead to breakthroughs in understanding the attitudes that oppress women. That understanding is the first step toward cultural change, the Calm Line's supporters believe.

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