Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Viking Guide to Oil Wealth Management

    Norway has been able to have a productive relationship with oil companies, while, at the same time, retain control over resource development and grow its resource revenue. Through the country’s culture of local control and indigenous governance, its resource revenue is over $1 trillion and helps pay for some of the country’s social programs; a model that could be potentially work in other places around the world.

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  • Chevron starts its unique project that buries carbon dioxide underground

    In the wake of a massive natural gas extraction project by Chevron, the Australian government asked the oil behemoth to bury as much as 4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, which would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. The technology fueling the burying initiative, called carbon capture and storage (CCS), has had success in similar projects around the world in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the oil creation process.

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  • Success continues with child support services, KCSO partnership

    By assigning two sheriff's deputies to track down people child support, and by tweaking multiple ways in which county authorities interact with parents, Knox County nearly tripled the amounts collected since starting its new approach in 2015. In the past, summonses were mailed to people, and the prosecutor's office dealt with collection matters as an enforcement-only matter. By coordinating all the players, including courts, employers, and case managers, the system has achieved far higher compliance and can work more constructively with people who are struggling financially.

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  • In wealthy Silicon Valley, a $500 million plan to save threatened farmland

    In Santa Clara County, California, the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation program is funding an effort to prevent development and bolster agriculture on local farmland. The County, home to Silicon Valley, purchases land at market prices to protect it from development, incentivize agriculture, and prevent sprawl. While still in the beginning stages, the county looking long-term to see how this program will be financially sustainable.

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  • Skilling South Sudanese Refugees In Bidibidi Settlement Restores Lost Hope

    The Bidibidi refugee settlement in Uganda offers refugees a chance to learn a skilled trade at the Yoyo Youth Vocational Skills Center. At no cost to them, students can learn brick laying, carpentry, tailoring and cutting garments, hair dressing, environmental protection, and more. Since its opening in 2018, most of its students are making a living off of their acquired skills, and many testify to how the center changed their lives.

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  • Sweden's surprising rule for time off

    In Sweden, employees are allotted up to 6 months in an unpaid leave of absence for the purpose of entrepreneurship. Because of the reported decrease in fear of job loss or financial insecurity, this law has said to increase the potential for entrepreneurs around the country to succeed, as it encourages risk-taking with a built-in safety net.

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  • Interlocking Bricks: A Solution To Environment Degradation

    Because deforestation in Uganda is rapidly increasing, including in the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, a new tactic for constructing bricks for housing that didn't require trees was developed by Mercy Corps, UK Aid, and the Office of the Prime Minister. The new bricks are made of interlocking soil bricks consisting of sand, gravel, cement, and little water. This new solution is cost-effective, can be made on site, and preserves the local trees.

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  • In Seattle, A Move Across Town Could Be A Path Out Of Poverty

    Pioneering research has indicated that encouraging low-income families to move to "higher opportunity" neighborhoods improves long-term outcomes for their children. A pilot program in Seattle aims to put this to the test, providing services and support for families who have managed to land a housing choice voucher and move to what researchers have deemed high opportunity neighborhoods. Early results are promising, although questions about longer-term impacts and questions about those "left behind" in lower-opportunity neighborhoods remain.

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  • As News Deserts Encroach, One City Looks At A New Way To Fund Local Journalism

    A local community member in Longmont, Colorado looks to creative public financing in order to keep the news media alive in his town. Looking to libraries as a successful model of special improvement districts, which act as independent government districts to raise funds for operation, the Longmont Observer aims to bring news back into the hands of locals after the regional newspaper shut down.

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  • 'You bring your gun, we ask no questions': The history of gun buybacks in Kansas City and Missouri

    As Kansas City tries to decrease violent crime in the area, it looks to a decades-old initiative that may have worked in the past: gun buybacks. Such a response was first tried in 1994, and saw a decline in homicides the following year. While the new mayor looks to try this in the city, they face state legislation prohibiting gun buybacks and pushback from critics who say such responses don’t actually work.

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