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  • How Henrico firefighters respond to COVID-19 nursing home calls

    When Henrico County Fire Department began to respond to calls for people exhibiting signs of coronavirus, they began utilizing recommendations of how best to stay safe. Although restrictive, this new playbook helps emergency responders stay safe by "limiting the number of responders that go into a facility" and encourages nursing homes to bring patients "as close to the ambulance entrance as possible."

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  • Bend it like the Bay Area: Doctors see flatter curve after 2 weeks of social isolation

    As the coronavirus outbreak began to show signs of spreading the United States, six counties in the Bay Area of California quickly instituted stay at home and shelter-in-place orders. Although the virus is still spreading in much of the country, the early and aggressive measures taken in this region are believed to have contributed to the lower-than-expected caseload reported by hospitals in these counties.

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  • Restrictions Are Slowing Coronavirus Infections, New Data Suggest

    Kinsa thermometers connect wirelessly to a central database that has been used to track fevers across the United States during the COVID19 pandemic. The data that has been collected has shown that strict orders like business closures and stay-at-home restrictions are working. With public health measures that seek prevention rather than treatment, proof of success can be hard to identify, but these thermometers and their tracking are doing it.

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  • Technology To Clean And Reuse PPE Is Being Deployed To Hotspot Hospitals

    As the fight against COVID-19 continues, Ohio-based Battelle labs has created the Critical Care Decontamination System that can clean as many as 80,000 of personal protective equipment at once. The system, which was fast-tracked by the FDA for approval, is modular and scalable, so it can be shipped to locations around the country.

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  • [밀착카메라] 검체 채취까지 5분…워킹스루 진료소 가보니

    인천공항을 통해 입국하는 외국인들을 빠르고 효율적으로 검사하기 위해 공항 한 켠에 워킹스루 진료소가 설치되었습니다. 이에 더해 자가진단앱과 이동자 분리 등을 통한 신뢰도 높은 검역 시스템이 해외입국자들의 호응을 얻고 있습니다.

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  • Coronavirus: Is Bay Area social distancing lockdown working? Some see progress

    As California’s Bay Area is weeks into its shelter-in-place order – the first in the nation – experts are seeing indications that it’s working in the fight against COVID19, but at the same time needs to continue. Health officials are seeing signs that the increase of cases could be flattening, which was the goal of social distancing, and has been giving the area more time to prepare for a spike, which other experts say is inevitable. Either way, the stay-at-home mandate is helping reduce strain on the healthcare system.

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  • States swap COVID-19 test supplies to fight shortage

    Facing a supply shortage, North Dakota and South Dakota arranged a no-cost swap of needed COVID19 testing supplies. Both states are part of the Northern Plains Consortium, made up of five states’ public health lab workers in an ongoing effort to collaborate and learn from one another. And those relationships paid off when the Dakotas needed to cooperate to share supplies in order to test their residents.

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  • These Philly doctors have COVID-19, but they're still treating patients — virtually

    Philadelphia medical centers had to pivot their services in response to COVID-19, turning to telehealth to screen patients who think they’re experiencing symptoms. That pivot took some adjusting – having to hire and train staff in the technology and process and scaling their services to meet the massive spike in online appointments. Doing so has let places like Jefferson Health and Penn Medicine see close to 10x the patients they usually see.

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  • Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore: Lessons for Canada in fighting Covid-19

    When faced with the coronavirus pandemic, a number of countries around the world "opted for delayed containment strategies," but countries such as Taiwan and Hong Kong, which took the opposite approach, have seen more success with mitigating the spread. The governments in these countries implemented many aggressive initiatives that were aimed at widespread testing, restricted travel, and contact tracing.

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  • What South Korea can teach Ireland about Covid-19 fight

    Countries such as Ireland are looking to South Korea for lessons about best practices in containing the coronavirus outbreak. Much of South Korea's success, shaped by lessons learned from battling the MERS outbreak in 2003, comes from implementing the national infectious diseases control act that "allows for the government to track people, and for the tracking information to be posted online."

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