Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why Nature-Based Therapy Is Gaining Traction Among Veterans

    Outdoor therapy, like hunting trips, rock climbing clinics and weekend hiking adventures, is helping veterans reduce symptoms of PTSD and work through other mental health issues. Several veteran-run groups, like Heroes’ Harvests, have emerged to connect local veterans to these programs and they’ve also begun organizing to pass supportive legislation like the Accelerating Veterans Recovery Outdoors Act, which pushes for the VA to provide veterans with the option for outdoor therapy.

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  • How Portage Public Schools is investing in mental health

    The Portage Public School district is making strides to change how students’ mental health needs are addressed by hiring a mental health initiatives coordinator for the district. This position is responsible for staff and students, as well as creating care plans as needed. Studies show that schools that expand their mental health services have happier, healthier, better-performing students and having the mental health coordinator in the schools makes it easier for youth to access the care they need when they need it.

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  • A downtown Flint vending machine is helping combat opioid overdose deaths, stigma

    Vending machines provided with the help of organizations like the Genesee Health System and Harm Reduction Michigan dispense fentanyl testing strips and Narcan kits as a form of harm reduction to combat the opioid epidemic and destigmatize safe drug use. When it debuted earlier this year, the machine distributed more than 2,100 test strips and 904 Narcan kits in six weeks. There are currently 52 machines placed across the state.

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  • 'He comes here, and he's alive': Adult day program in Fort Worth engages people with dementia

    The James L. West Center for Dementia Care’s Senior Day Program offers engaging activities like dance, music therapy and cooking classes, and a sense of community for people with dementia, while giving family caregivers a break. The Center currently cares for about 13 people each day, though it has the capacity for up to 20 people and is slated to expand to help more people.

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  • ADHS delivers vaccines, COVID-19 tests to underserved communities

    The Arizona Health Department delivers COVID-19 tests, vaccinations and other medical services to underserved, low-income communities via mobile vans, pop-up clinics and in-home services for those who struggle to access health care. Since the mobile program started in 2021, more than 140,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered.

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  • Connecting With Individuals Who Have Disabilities

    Haske Children Foundation provides medical supplies, check-ups and surgeries to children with disabilities on a regular basis, having served 200 children so far. The Foundation also leads discussions about disabilities, working to address the stigma and change the negative narrative many locals have about those with disabilities.

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  • “Buy Now Pay Later” Solution for Patients with Breast Cancer

    The HER-Radio program improves the availability of radiotherapy and treatment for HER2+ breast cancer by offering a deferred payment plan for the 18-cycle treatment with the drug Herceptin. The interest-free, phased payment plan makes it possible for more people to afford treatment. Per the organization’s 2021 report, patients enrolled in the program save 15% to 25% on treatment costs.

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  • Black Churches in California Lead the Way to Quality End-of-Life Care

    The Advanced Illness Care Program was founded within local Black churches and offers free, individualized support for people with advanced illnesses and their caregivers, helping them navigate various life and health issues and plan for end-of-life care. Since starting in 2015, the AICP has helped more than 1,600 patients, the majority of which are Black, and 55% of them have gone on to complete advance directives for end-of-life care.

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  • Reclaiming Safe Abortion Access in Haiti

    Nègès Mawon works to empower women to fight back against violence and oppression through education and advocacy and focuses on access to safe abortion care. Through the organization’s sponsorship program, women who are also survivors of gender-based violence are partnering together to rise above the patriarchal system and advocate for themselves. Since last May, Nègès Mawon has supported more than 300 survivors of gender-based violence through the sponsorship program.

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  • Three health ministers in a row have failed SA's nurses. Here's why

    Nurse Initiated Management of Antiretroviral Treatment (Nimart) provides special training to nurses, allowing them to prescribe antiretroviral medicines to manage HIV treatment, increasing access among those who need the care. Previously, only doctors were allowed to prescribe the drugs, but since Nimrat launched all 17 area clinics now offer treatment and an average of 732 patients started treatment each month in the first year the program started.

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