Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Native history is WA history, and tribes are helping schools teach it

    In order to better educate students about indigenous history, in 2015, Washington passed the “Since Time Immemorial” (STI) curriculum, the law requires schools to teach a tribally developed curriculum. This has led to some school districts collaborating with local tribes and more students learning about indigenous people. “There are still Native people around today — we’re here.”

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  • Where the COVID-19 Pandemic Might Finally Ignite Change in the Bail Bonds System

    The spread of COVID-19 in jails prompted many releases from custody and a surge in donations to bail funds that pay for people's release. But those fixes have done little to address the underlying challenges of detaining millions of people before trial, either because they cannot afford cash bail or because risk-assessment tools deem them a threat to public safety or unlikely to return to court. In two South Florida jails, the struggles over containing the virus, providing due process to criminal defendants, and ensuring public safety have brought the debate into sharper focus.

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  • A Watchdog Accused Officers of Serious Misconduct. Few Were Punished.

    New York City established its Civilian Complaint Review board in 1993 to strengthen its police-discipline system, a response to complaints that police officers rarely were punished for harassment and brutality, especially in Black and brown neighborhoods. In 6,900 cases in which the board recommended the toughest punishment, however, police officials overruled it more than 70% of the time over the past two decades. The result is a disciplinary mechanism designed to instill trust but that instead "has become all but toothless" because of how it is structured and how police leaders responded to oversight.

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  • How faith leaders organized to win two major environmental victories in Louisiana

    Religious leaders in Louisiana successfully mobilized their communities to vote against a state amendment that would give manufacturers a tax break at the expense of local governments. The interfaith network of 250 religious organizations took on the role of educating their congregations and neighborhoods. Plans for a large plastics manufacturing plant have also been delayed due to the efforts of religious groups.

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  • Crowdfunded solar puts Red Lake Nation on a path to energy sovereignty

    The Red Lake Nation in Minnesota is building a 240-kilowatt solar array on top of a workforce training center, which will generate about half of the building’s electricity. This project was financed through crowdfunding, where they raised $250,000 from religiously inclined microlenders. The goal: to allow the tribe to have energy sovereignty, create higher-paying jobs, and maintain a healthy environment.

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  • Youth advocacy groups kept voters safe and informed on Election Day

    Civic participation by youth advocacy groups registered tens of thousands of young voters and educated many more on election-related issues, including local and state ballot initiatives. Events held on zoom provided registration information and helped students connect with their peers, where they made pledges and plans to vote. Arizona PIRG Students New Voters Project educated 10,000 students this way, while CALPIRG Students' 500 volunteers registered 10,000 students, provided voter information to over 150,000 students, and made over 90,000 peer to peer Get Out the Vote contacts.

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  • Norway's Wealth Tax Is Uncommon. Here's What America Could Learn From It.

    To reduce income inequality, progressive U.S. senators look to Norway for ways to raise revenue by taxing those with the greatest capacity to pay. A wealth tax of 0.85% kicks in when individuals amass roughly $165,000 in personal wealth for individuals and $330,000 for couples. Data shows that individuals who own small businesses, which are counted as personal wealth, tend to invest in their companies and hire more employees to reduce their taxable wealth. Support for the system is generally high because of the services citizens get in return, such as free education, health care, and other social services.

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  • Rural Black Women Turn To Each Other, Mutual Aid And Activism To Survive COVID-19

    Across Mississippi and Georgia, mutual aid groups have formed and existing groups have expanded to address increased racial inequities in the health care system during the coronavirus pandemic. Several of the groups are specifically focusing on food insecurity and access to basic needs, while others are raising money for personal protective equipment.

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  • Grassroots Organizers Flipped Georgia Blue. Here's How They Did It.

    Civic engagement organizers have decreased the gap between Republicans and Democrats in Georgia over the past several elections by increasing voter participation and leveraging the shifting state demographics. Groups conduct outreach to previously disenfranchised voters, recruit new voters, and seek to empower civic participation among Black and Asian American communities in particular, which helped Joseph Biden win the state in 2020. Organizers prioritize in-language organizing from trusted sources and connecting with communities on issues that are relevant and important to them.

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  • Target Is Reopening Its Looted Store With Black Shoppers in Mind

    A Target store looted and destroyed near the site of George Floyd's killing in Minneapolis, Target's corporate headquarters city, was quickly rebuilt with improvements informed by community input. The mostly white-run corporation's store previously had a poor reputation for service and for listening to its mostly Black customers. Led by a new racial justice committee, Target heard complaints about the store's wares, design, and cleanliness. The new store has earned praise from residents.

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