Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Cut Bank's IEFA curriculum is model for other schools

    Cut Bank, Montana has incorporated education about Native Americans in all grade levels with a special emphasis on and participation by Blackfeet Nation students because of the reservation's proximity. This effort is also state legislature: the Indian Education For All (IEFA) law was passed in 1999 and funds schools conducting the curriculum. Cut Bank School is special because of how Blackfeet Nation students contribute to the teaching, but students are also learning by reading stories about American Indians, learning words and phrases, talking about the first Thanksgiving, and playing traditional music.

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  • What's Wrong With This Diorama? You Can Read All About It

    Reassessing representations creates an opportunity for educational experiences. Instead of simply removing a problematic diorama depicting members of the Lenape tribe and Dutch colonists, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, NY, converted the piece into a learning experience for visitors. Following pressure from groups like Decolonize this Place, the revised diorama now features panels that illuminate and discuss misrepresentations in the piece.

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  • The gardens of Quito: Urban farming in one of the world's highest cities

    AGRUPAR, a program funded by the Quito local government, supports 4000 urban farming plots across the city. One of its goals is to make healthy, organically-grown produce more accessible to marginalized groups, including Venezuelan refugees and women. For 17 years, the group has provided education, support, and resources to make urban farming a reality.

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  • Building Grit in Girls Through Mountain Biking

    Once again the bicycle is playing a part in empowering women! In this case, several organizations across the United States are using mountain biking to build preteen and teenage girls' confidence and drive. The dedication and strength that this adventure sport requires disrupts constraining gender roles for girls at a critical time in their development, and programs across the country seem to be growing in popularity quickly.

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  • Here's how Brown University is tackling toxic masculinity

    Changing norms surrounding masculinity begins with destigmatizing communication. Masculinity 101, a peer discussion group at Brown University, encourages students to be mindful of their behavior by promoting discussion about social norms and healthy relationships. The group reflects a broader desire among university students in the US to change toxic aspects of masculinity, including sexual violence, and to promote positive emotional development among their peers.

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  • Be a sport: games coaches teach boys how to be better men

    Coaches and players around the world are using sports to teach boys about masculinity and the importance of integrity, both on and off the field. From cricket in India to rugby in Fiji, games are used as a foundation for teaching important life lessons and values. As a result, young men participating in these programs have been found less likely to show aggression and more likely to believe abuse against women is wrong.

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  • Climate change is fueling wildfires around the world. Can indigenous knowledge help us manage them?

    The indigenous practice of setting regular fires to manage land hasn’t been used in generations, but it’s now being brought back to help manage wildfires in Australia. With support from the Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation and 10 Deserts Project, indigenous people are re-learning old traditions to help the land, though they are still learning to navigate complex relationships with the government about which land can be used.

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  • How North Dakota tribes countered a restrictive voting law

    Native American tribes, community groups, and nonprofits quickly responded to a North Dakota law requiring voter IDs with physical street addresses by holding information sessions, setting up stations to create instant tribal IDs, and placing volunteers at polling stations to assist those who wanted to vote actually be able to do so. Many tribal members rely on post office boxes and do not have an official address on their reservation. Despite some voters being turned away because of their ID, overall there was a record turnout in precincts that include reservations.

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  • Improved communication can help Richland-area employers retain employees amid labor shortage

    By making listening and communication a priority, employers can improve employee retention. In Ohio, Mansfield Plumbing Products designated an employee liaison whose job is to listen to employees and facilitate communication between workers and management. By implementing clear communication channels, employers can better learn how to address their workers' needs.

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  • Cities without sewers

    A nonprofit in Haiti called SOIL with a business arm called EkoLakay is bringing back the old-fashioned idea of a container-based sanitation system. Customers rent toilets with containers in them, use them, and return them to EkoLakay to then be converted into highly nutritious compost. Piloted in 2011, the program has been successful serving more than 1,000 households (growing by 40 every month) with a staff of 58 mostly local workers. They attribute their success to using "applied resilience thinking", having many actors at different levels, and constantly adapting to new solutions and knowledge.

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