Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Therapy in Iceland: a whole new ball game

    FC Sækó is an amateur Icelandic football club that is jointly sponsored by the Football Association of Iceland and the psychiatric department at Iceland’s University Hospital. It brings together players between the ages of 20 and 60 who are in treatment for mental health issues. The traveling team helps participants combat isolation and provides a routine where they have training responsibilities. The success inspired another team in Akureyri. Around 200 people also benefit from other free stress-management services and activities at the hospital, like nature walks, swimming, and acupuncture.

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  • En Islande, la thérapie va droit au but

    En Islande, le département psychiatrique de l’hôpital universitaire d’Islande et un centre de réhabilitation misent sur les activités sportives pour améliorer le bien-être d'hommes et de femmes souffrant de bipolarité, de tendance à la dépression, de schizophrénie, de troubles obsessionnels ou autistique. Environ 200 personnes bénéficient d'activités saines qui permettent de réduire la prise de médicaments et d’améliorer leur cadre de vie durant leur traitement. Parmi elles, une équipe de foot le FC Sækó a été mise sur pied et essaime ailleurs dans le pays.

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  • Mental health solutions in Lampedusa's veg garden

    In Lampedusa, a small Italian island, those that are struggling with mental health issues are finding help and solace in a local vegetable garden. Although this solution is not intended to act as a stand-alone answer, it has provided a sense of purpose for many involved as well as addressed the social isolation many were facing.

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  • A Decade Of Diversion: Franklin County's Court For Addiction Recovery

    Merging accountability with treatment promotes recovery for those charged with drug possession. In Franklin County, Ohio, the municipal court system operates a program called Helping Achieve Recovery Together. The court recovery program provides a two-year track for participants to receive mental health support from peers and the courts, with the goal of moving them from the criminal justice system and into treatment.

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  • What follows punishment?

    Minnesota’s Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) program takes a restorative, rehabilitative approach to sex offender re-entry and has lowered the risk of recidivism by 88%. The initiative provides participants with a group of volunteers that help them with emotional support, job finding, and challenge and shift the attitudes and behaviors that led to the committed crime. The rise of the #metoo movement has given way to the complexity of sexual assault, restorative justice, and rehabilitation – making programs like CoSA both more necessary and challenging to sustain.

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  • New Reddit project makes mental health care accessible to young Muslims

    Reddit has long been home to an Islam-focused message board that helps to connect people over a shared belief, but the online community is now expanding to include a twice monthly mental health discussion. Hosted by a licensed clinical psychologist, this "Ask Me Anything" style subreddit helps to eliminate barriers for those seeking help by "providing psychology services 'rooted in Islamic principles.'"

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  • If violence spreads like a disease, it can be interrupted. How a new team in Milwaukee is trying to stop one shooting leading to another.

    Milwaukee’s 414LIFE program is treating violence like a public health issue, seeking to interrupt and prevent its spread. The pilot program is a collaboration between the city’s Office of Violence Prevention, local nonprofits, and hospitals and healthcare networks. The initiative works closely with victims of violence to make sure they have the support and resources they need to prevent violent retaliation and employs people who are from the communities they’re responding to in an effort to take a hyper-local response.

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  • A Decade Of Diversion: Franklin County's Court For Sex Trafficking Survivors

    Treating women who are coerced into human trafficking as victims provides opportunities for recovery. Alongside the passage of legislation against human trafficking in Ohio, Franklin County courts have implemented a recovery program. Changing Actions to Change Habits (CATCH), provides victims of human trafficking with support in the form of housing, food, and treatment for addiction and trauma. In exchange for participation in the program, women can have their records expunged.

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  • People, heal thyselves: Nigeria's new mental illness approach

    In Nigeria, a psychologist and a small group of medical students aimed to change the perception around mental health care by launching an online campaign inviting people to attend a fair. The turnout was so successful, that the group began hosting monthly workshops that have now spread to 13 states across Nigeria.

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  • It Takes a Teenager to Help a Teenager in Crisis

    Connecting to peers makes coping with emotional distress easier for youth. Youthline, a youth suicide crisis intervention service operated by Lines for Life puts those struggling in touch with volunteers their own age via call, text, or email. The youth volunteers are supervised by a clinician and are trained in SafeTALK and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST).

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