Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • From untouchable to organic: Dalit women sow change in India

    Small-scale women farmers are working together to create a new Green Revolution in southern India, opening a set of pilot farms to empower women and sustainably farm.

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  • Did this city bring down its murder rate by paying people not to kill?

    Since Richmond, California’s Office of Neighborhood Safety began paying stipends to its “fellows” – the dozens of young men it works with at any given time who are deemed to be at high risk of gun-violence involvement – nearly all of its subjects have survived. Other evidence of its success is anecdotal or merely suggestive of an effect on the city’s violence. While the police chief warily credits it for being a positive force, others in the community are skeptical, if not outright antagonistic.

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  • Brazil's poverty solution? Give money to women

    In Brazil a conditional cash-transfer program is alleviating poverty, empowering women, and changing gender roles by giving families, especially mothers, money for sending kids to school and to regular doctor's visits.

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  • A Nonprofit Lender Revives the Hopes of Subprime Borrowers

    Many subprime borrowers in the United States are financially unable to buy a home themselves. An unconventional lender is trying to make it easier for low-income people to buy houses despite the tighter requirements that other lenders adopted after the mortgage bust.

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  • Escaping the Cycle of Scarcity

    Poor people are less likely to make smart financial decisions; however, new research in the U.S. says this is not about intelligence but rather about a brain being overwhelmed with issues related to poverty. To combat that barrier of stress, organizations around the world are making financial decisions easier for people experiencing poverty by making borrowing easier and automating future financial planning, like 401(k) contributions.

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  • When entrepreneurship is only way forward

    Development work is evolving beyond short-term mission trips and one-off donations into a more comprehensive, in-depth model that addresses long-term sustainability of a solution paired with empowerment of those being served. MicroConsignment is a unique branch of micro-enterprise being implemented by non-profit SolCom in Guatemala that provides individuals in rural villages the skills and resources needed to start sustainable businesses.

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  • The Microinsurance Revolution

    If rich people need life insurance, poor people need it more. Here’s how millions of poor people are getting it – including people with AIDS.

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  • Making Low-Interest Auto Loans Work

    When you don’t live in a city, if you don’t have a car, you don’t have a job. But car payments can eat up a salary quickly - a New England program offers low-cost car loans to people who need them most.

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  • On the Road, and Out of the Red

    More Than Wheels, a New Hampshire-based non-profit offers an economically stable solution to the high cost of owning a car. The program offers low-cost car loans that go toward the purchase of fuel-efficient vehicles.

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  • On the Web, a Revolution in Giving

    New crowdfunding options can help even the smallest donor's contributions to have a meaningful impact, bolstering a sense of personal involvement, maximizing knowledge about causes, and inspiring greater participation.

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