Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Restoring Nez Perce language for future generations

    The Nez Perce Tribe and Lapwai School District are making a concerted effort to keep the tribe's language alive -- as part of an elective, every day students at an Idaho high school have the chance to learn the language from members of the tribe.

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  • The Cultural Revolution at the National Library of Israel

    Libraries can serve as spaces for practicing cultural inclusion. The National Library of Israel is working to broaden its target audience and increase the visibility of Muslim culture in Israel. In addition to curating its Islam and Middle East Collection, the Library has expanded educational programs and public outreach related to Islam and Muslim culture. This proactive cultural dialogue also includes a residency program for Arab and Jewish writers.

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  • How California Is Making Up for 20 Years of English-Only Education

    In California, half of school-aged children are the children of immigrants. Among many other initiatives in the city, a community-wide training project in Fresno aims to improve how adults in the city work with students of immigrant families. One of the challenges of the renewed push for a bilingual approach - finding sufficient bilingual teachers after years of the state's English-only education policies.

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  • NMSU works to recruit, train needed bilingual teachers

    Although many students in New Mexico enter kindergarten speaking two languages, a lack of bilingual and dual language classrooms means students often have trouble maintaining their Spanish or that English Language Learners don't receive appropriate instruction. New Mexico State University and Las Cruces Public Schools are working to break this cycle and recruit and train more bilingual teachers by offering degree programs and incentives and extra resources to teachers who choose this path.

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  • Boulder High's Adelante! program celebrating 25th anniversary

    Twenty-five years ago, a Spanish teacher in Colorado noticed a troubling trend - many Latino students were dropping out before finishing high school. Leticia Alonso de Lozano started a dropout prevention program, offering students access to tutors, mentors, school supplies, and more. Now a quarter-century old, Adelante! has evolved beyond its original scope into a successful career and college readiness initiative.

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  • How Muslim Americans Are Fighting Mental Health Stigma

    By bringing mental health professionals and religious leaders together, faith communities can “flip the fear” of mental illness. Using grants from the American Psychiatric Association, organizations like Support Embrace Empower Mental Health Advocacy (SEEMA), the Muslim Mental Health Conference, and the Stanford Muslims and Mental Health lab, are all working to remove barriers to mental health treatment. Their initiatives focus on education to overcome stigma and cultural misunderstandings.

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  • If We Were Roma, We Wouldn't Come Back From Britain

    In stark contrast with their Slovakia homeland, England has opened its arms to Roma immigrants with a set of accommodations aimed at helping them succeed in their new country. Victims of racism in both places, but particularly among Slovaks, the Roma newly arrived in England receive health counseling and educational aid that have inclusion at their core. Britain's school-attendance policies, for example, have increased Roma children's attendance by 30 percentage points, and few are shunted into special schools.

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  • What's Wrong With This Diorama? You Can Read All About It

    Reassessing representations creates an opportunity for educational experiences. Instead of simply removing a problematic diorama depicting members of the Lenape tribe and Dutch colonists, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, NY, converted the piece into a learning experience for visitors. Following pressure from groups like Decolonize this Place, the revised diorama now features panels that illuminate and discuss misrepresentations in the piece.

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  • In Detroit, one organization is schooling Muslims on racial justice

    In a movement that started from a trending hashtag on Twitter - #BeingBlackandMuslim - scholars and activists around the country are working to reduce stereotypes about Black Muslims. Organizations that arose from the movement now compile toolkits, syllabi, and other educational materials about being Black and Muslim in America, and how stereotypes and racism is perpetuated both within and outside religious communities.

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  • ‘Feels like home': Israeli school for migrant kids wins by bridging worlds

    A school in Tel Aviv welcomes immigrant and refugee children with open arms, providing language classes, long school days, extracurricular activities, and more. Members of the community volunteer to tutor and lead after-school courses, allowing children to learn while their parents work late. Now, more schools are popping up in Tel Aviv with similar aspirations.

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