Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a Booming City Can Be More Equitable

    Durham, North Carolina works to maintain diversity of communities and perspectives by evaluating the inequities built into their current housing laws and economic opportunities. In redevelopment planning, the city also incorporates artists and activists into planning to ensure the city doesn't lose diversity of culture in its renewal plans.

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  • Ghetto Film School Trains Its Lens on Hollywood's Diversity Problem

    Founded in the Bronx in 2000, the Ghetto Film School’s mission is to train a diverse student body in the skills of making narrative film. Eighteen years later, the school teaches classes in New York, Los Angeles, and London, and has become a pipeline for graduates to find work not only as directors or writers but also in film crews and production companies.

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  • For Chinese high-schoolers, there's value to living and learning in Iowa

    In the past decade, an increasing number of Chinese students have enrolled in American public schools in smaller towns, including in Clinton, Iowa. The trend serves as an important exchange program for both parties and fills the empty seats in towns where populations continue to decline.

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  • The Foreigner

    In 2016 an influx of Haitian immigrants start migrating to Chile. In Coihueco, a small rural town in Chile, they are met with open arms. Towns people organize to find them shelter, raise funds so they can bring over their families, and coalesce to make the town welcoming and supportive. In contrast a slew of racists incidents plague the capital, and the Chilean government changes their immigration laws, making it difficult for Haitian immigrants to settle in the country.

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  • 78207: America's Most Radical School Integration Experiment

    In just three years, San Antonio superintendent Pedro Martinez has raised the bar for school integration efforts nationwide - in this time, the district, where 93 percent of students qualify for free or reduced price lunch, has opened 31 schools of choice that are "diverse-by-design." The curriculum, which ranges from talented and gifted to dual language programs, is intended to attract more affluent students from surrounding areas to fill 25 percent of the classroom spots. Journalist Beth Hawkins says, "In 20 years of writing about failed integration efforts, I’ve never seen anything like this."

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  • Magazine in Greece Rejects Labels about Refugees

    In order to combat xenophobic attitudes against refugees in Europe, three friends founded Solomon; a media outlet that “gives voice to non-native populations, countering negative stereotypes about them and helping them integrate into their new communities.” Recent grants have helped the magazine expand and pay staff. “We’re not like other media that focuses on refugees’ selling their bodies or selling drugs. We go with our camera and write about integration.”

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  • Alternative museum tours explore colonial loot, biased narratives

    Uncomfortable art tours, long-term loans, and code of conducts, are all methods Europeans museums are using to confront the racist history behind paintings and artifacts in their exhibitions. They’re also trying to confront the unjust methods in which some artifacts have been taken from non-European countries. “While museums continue to argue that they are neutral spaces, the fact is that they are not. There is always one side of the story that has been privileged over the other in these spaces, and we need to be more honest and open about that.”

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  • Maternity Care Gets a Racial Justice Focus

    Mamatoto Village is a maternal health group that offers services to women of color. The aim of the group is to address racial inequality in healthcare and level the playing field to give women of color access to services. Last year the group served almost 500 women, the vast majority of which gave birth vaginally and initiated breastfeeding.

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  • How 50 Years of Latino Studies Shaped History Education

    In 1968 Cal State founded the first Chicano studies program, which focused on the history of Mexicans and their relationship to the U.S. Since then, several universities followed suit. The program was also made possible through the activism of 15,000 students, who walked out of class in the historic East L.A. walkouts demanding a better education. While there are critics, educators believe these type of programs are beneficial to Hispanic students. “Now they have tools to understand the microaggressions they’ve experienced or the economic struggles in this society, and that they’re not the only ones.”

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  • The Architect: How One Texas Innovation Officer Is Designing His Schools to Ensure Integration

    San Antonio Independent School District has adopted a new approach that allows low-income students to go to school out-of-district in order to level the academic playing field. By creating a map of the most in-need families and designing school admissions to allow for flexibility, administrators have been able to help students attend and excel in schools they otherwise wouldn't be able to access.

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